Friday, April 4, 2008


Things are going great...we are just up to our necks in paperwork. But I am thankful for this because I feel like there is something we can be doing. Ella is excited for her little sister and prays for her everyday. Many have asked which adoption agency we are using and it is Christian World Adoption. As of today, they are our official agency. That's also very exciting!! Other than that there is not too much to report.

We want to sincerely thank you for you love, support, prayers and financial support.

Many of you have ordered coffee or sent money and that is greatly appreciated. We hope you love the coffee!! We will be doing that fundraiser during this entire process so feel free to order more in the future.

1 comment:

Sweet To Our Seoul said...

Just wanted you to know we are very excited for you guys!! We will be praying for you during this exciting journey!!

:)April & Bill Reed