Sunday, February 24, 2008


Friends and family,

We are pleased to announce that "the Morgan 3" consisting of Ty, Casey, and Ella have begun the process of adoption!!  We can describe our emotions and state of mind and spirit as a painter's pallet of colors.  Excited, anxious, dedicated, motherly, fatherly, submissive, led, inspired, thankful, and most of all Sure!  

We have already begun to learn that their is very little that we can control in the adoption process other than our end of the paper work which is a time-consuming/robust process that we are just beginning.  What we do know is we want to help, we can help and our hearts are led to Africa (we'll get into more about this blessed/cursed continent in following blogs).  We have researched a handful of countries in Africa and with the unrest/wars/corruption etc. have narrowed it down to a couple possibilities with Ethiopia being the front-runner.  

We will be recording this process through this blog so please check back periodically.  We welcome your prayers throughout this journey for us and especially for our.....

The Morgan Four