Tuesday, April 29, 2008

the 1/2 marathon

The race was great and thank you all so much for your prayers that morning. I would love to know what kind of day our African child had that day. I imagine it was peaceful and fulfilling!

My time was 2 hours 15 minutes. Even though that's not my p.r. I was pleased with the finish because it was better than I expected. Ty and Ella cheered me on along the way as they always do! Ella wore her hot pink running shorts and white shirt just like Mommy! I was so excited to get to the finish line because they always have yummy snacks waiting for you there. I was totally prepared to eat a guilt-free Krispy Kreme! Well-there were none to be found! But don't worry, later I over did it on the chips and salsa! YUMMY!

Thank you again!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is the sweetest shirt! I'm glad that the 1/2 marathon went well:) Hope all of the adoption paperwork is coming along!