Saturday, June 20, 2009

HOMECOMING I understand Mahi has been home 2 months and we have been bad bloggers. Sorry. We have been busy getting to know each other and living life. As you can imagine the girls are very busy! They are just a blast! Mahi is adjusting better than we could have imagined and Ella is the sweetest big sister ever. She is so patient and caring. Mahi is doing awesome with her English. We miss her Amharic. Now it's mostly English or Amarhic-English mix (which no one can understand)! She has NO trouble communicating with us. She is so loving and we probably get at least 100 kisses a day. She is very smart, too!
Anyway, we wanted to let you know we still have a lot to talk to you about from our trip but I wanted to post some homecoming pictures now.

here is Ella preparing a warm welcome for Mahi

Ella and Mankaw (Grandpa) at the airport coming to get us

Mahi and Mankaw

Mahi and Maemae (Grandma)
there we 40 wonderful friends at the airport to welcome us home. all of these people being there just made the moment even that much more special

i know it looks like Liam doesn't love her by this expression but I promise he does!

our 1st dinner together. the girls wanted it tea party style

Mahi checking out her new room

this is a toy bucket or a bath i guess??
trying out her knew bed...this was Ty's crib

obviously we were exhausted!! But overjoyed to finally be together...The Morgan Four


Cloverland Farm said...

precious!!!! so neat.
we are STILL waiting on our referral. just trying to get lots of things checked off the to-do list. reading blogs like yours makes this surreal experience a bit more real. i guess it will really happen for us someday too! thanks for posting!!!

Jill said...

Hey there! I just got your comment on our blog and wow, I cannot believe we were in Addis at the same time, basically the same place and never saw one another! I wish we had met; thanks for making the effort!

And, wow, too funny that we have the same anniversary date and YEAR! Hope you all had a wonderful 8th!

Both of your girls are just precious! How old is your youngest?

I'd love to keep in touch - are you on FB?

Jessie Roesch said...

So great meeting Mahi today!!! She is PRECIOUS!! hope the sale went well!

Hamfam5 said...

Hi Casey,
I saw some of your posts on the Ethiopian Web board as we are adopting through CWA also. I wanted to send you an email with a question, but your email is hidden. You had asked a question on the web board back in March before traveling about meeting birth family. We are so sad that CWA isn't allowing this, that it makes us sick. We would give anything to have that opportunity, but we are afraid and not sure if we could do it withoutCWA's help. Could you PLEASE help us by letting us know if you were able to do this and how. I know you don't even know us, but it would mean SOOOOOO much to us. Thank you! My email is