About two months ago, Ty was involved in a meeting at work with another company. Ty did not know these people very well and they did not know that he is adopting from Ethiopia. Every seat in the meeting had a little card laying on the place setting for each participant of the meeting. Each card had a quote and where it originated, be it a particular person or if it was more of a folk saying from a certain place. This was the card at Ty's place setting.
I have wondered for a while if it has a special meaning. Of course it was special that it was a saying from Ethiopia! And the only card in the room that said Ethiopia! But I thought maybe there was more to it...
Well, lately I have been thinking how bad is sucks that Satan does not want this adoption to take place. I am sure he is trying his best to throw in wrenches here and there to stop it. That scares me a bit but then I focus back on the fact that God is my rock, Jesus is my King and the Holy Spirit is my comforter! And God DOES want this adoption to take place....the bible says so...
Psalms 68:5,6
Father to the fatherless, defender of widows—
this is God, whose dwelling is holy.
God places the lonely in families;
Psalms 10:14
But you know all about it—
the contempt, the abuse.
I dare to believe that the luckless
will get lucky someday in you.
You won't let them down:
orphans won't be orphans forever
So now I am thinking that the meaning of this card is that our prayers to God are the spider webs and Satan is the lion
We have been praying a lot for this court date and we really need you to, also! We firmly believe through prayer we can tie up the lion! We are firm believers in the power of prayer so we need as many people as possible telling God their desire for "M" to become part of our family on March 13th.
Psalms 37:3-6
Trust in the Lord and do good.
Then you will live safely in the land and prosper.
Take delight in the Lord,
and he will give you your heart’s desires.
Commit everything you do to the Lord.
Trust him, and he will help you.
He will make your innocence radiate like the dawn,
and the justice of your cause will shine like the noonday sun.
The only being more powerful than Satan is God and that is why we need your prayers.
You all have been such a part of this process with us and we really want that to continue! It has helped so much having your love, prayers and support during this journey.
About 50% of the court dates are not passing the first time and could be rescheduled for up to 6 weeks later. We don't want to be away from "M" one more day!
The court date is in 2 weeks...that means in 2 weeks, Ty and I will have one of the biggest days of our lives!! We will be getting a new daughter! Addis Ababa (the capitol city of Ethiopia) is 9 hours ahead of us so the court will actually take place in the middle of the night Thursday.
We have a poster in our bonus room that has that quote on it. :)
Cool beans.
Okay, it's Heidi posting. Kirk didn't sign out!
We will be praying for your family (including M) over the next few weeks. Specifically, that Satan will not get in the way of or delay you being able to be with your little girl. Congrats.
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