Monday, July 28, 2008

Our Daughter's Song

I wanted to share the song that Ty wrote for our daughter in Africa. You can hear by going to

"My Love Won't Walk Away" it's the 1st song-just click on it

This is an earlier post from Ty about the song...

I (Ty) wrote a song when Casey was pregnant with Ella about the potential/dreams for Ella and where her "Little Shoes" may go some day. I seem to be inspired during that "pregnancy" period whether it's biological or not and was struck by the feelings of abandonment that many orphans have at some point in their lives and how I don't want our children, any of them, to ever worry or wonder about losing mine or Casey's love and wanted to express it through music. I began writing the song and had titled it "MY LOVE WON'T WALK AWAY". I then stumbled upon Isaiah 54 in "The Message" translation of The Bible and the verse that God says, "MY LOVE WON'T WALK AWAY". I have finished this song and look forward to recording it soon to be a message to my kids and a reminder of God's love for us.

---now it's recorded!

Thanks and enjoy!


The DeLo Trio said...

You guys are the sweetest family! I can't wait to meet our new little girl. She surely will have the best big sister in town!

Ty your song is beautiful. As always!
Love all 4 of you!!

Leah Reeves said...


Thanks for visiting our blog. I hope your referral comes soon. It is an amazing day when your see your child's picture for the first time.

The Hebert Family said...

I met you in Target on Friday and saw your blog on Kelly's. Good luck with your adoption and I'm so glad you stopped to talk to me. It was nice to meet you and hope to run into you again.

Unknown said...

Angie called me and told me she ran into you in Target. Isn't Macy just the cutest thing ever? We are very excited about our little guy. 3 weeks to go.

Kristi J said...

HI...I found your blog through my sister, Kelly's blog!! We're also waiting and having been on the wait list a little over 3 weeks...Are you local (Williamson County?) I'll enjoy following your journey along with mine,

Ella Marie Boutique said...

That is so cool that you wrote a song to your daughters. It will be so special to them when they get older.

Check out Ella Marie Boutique for some adorable clothes for your daughters. It is for a good cause too. 20% of all proceeds goes to funding adoptions in Ethiopia and helping orphanages in Ethiopia and Guatemala.

Look us up at, named after my sweet baby girl that we are adopting from Guatemala. Check out my personal blog too,, to read about our journey to our 2nd Guatemalan miracle.